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Audi on demand Insurance Coverage

A. Our Contract

As an Audi on demand user, you are to ensure that all information that you have provided are accurate and that you fully and faithfully disclose to us all important facts which you know or ought to know in respect of this insurance. Failing this, this insurance policy may be void and you may not receive any benefits under this policy.

B. Policy Coverage


Section 1: Coverage on the Vehicle


1. You are covered for your losses if the vehicle and its accessories are lost or damaged as a result of:

• Accidental collision or overturning;
• Theft, robbery, housebreaking;
• Contact with falling objects, external explosion, fire, self-ignition, lightning; or
• A malicious act.

2. Coverage for accessories is only applicable to those fitted (without any charge) as standard equipment by Premium Automobiles Pte Ltd. The accessories must be on the vehicle at the time of loss or damage.


3. Coverage is limited to the value of

• The part of the vehicle lost or damaged;
• The accessories lost or damaged; and
• The reasonable costs of fitting such parts.

In any event, coverage is limited to the prevailing market value of the vehicle.

4. Coverage includes a reasonable towing cost of up to $200 if the vehicle is disabled as a result of damage.


5. Policy coverage does not include:

• Loss of use;
• Any consequential loss;
• Repairs carried out by any repairer not authorised under this policy;
• Depreciation;
• Wear and tear;
• Mechanical or electrical breakdowns;
• Failures or breakages;
• Damage caused by overloading or strain; and
• Damage to tyres unless the vehicle is damaged at the same time.
• Loss or damage to any equipment attached to the vehicle that has not been declared to and accepted by us and any consequential losses arising from such loss or damage.

6. For every claim made against this policy, you will have to pay all applicable excess.


7. All vehicle repairs must be done at Premium Automobiles Pte Ltd.


Section 2: Your Liability to Third Parties


1. Policy covers the amount which you or your authorised driver(s) are legally liable to pay to third parties in compensation for the following arising out of an accident directly involving the vehicle:

• Death or bodily injury to any person; or
• Damage to property for up to $500,000.00 for any one claim or series of claims arising out of any one accident.

Any admissions of liability, payment to or agreement with third parties must be with our prior written consent.

2. Policy does not cover:

• Death or bodily injury to any person employed by you or your Authorised Driver(s) which arises in the course of their employment;
• Death or bodily injury which you or the third party can claim for under the Work Injury Compensation Act;
• Death or bodily injury caused by or arising from the loading and unloading from the vehicle;
• Death or bodily injury to any person or loss or damage to third party property arising out of the use or operation of the vehicle or any part of the vehicle as a tool or the use or operation of a plant attaching to or forming part of the vehicle or from any goods carried on the vehicle;
• Loss or damage to any property in the vehicle whether belonging to you or third parties;
• Loss or damage to any property belonging to, or held in trust by, or is in the custody, care or control of you or your household members or your authorised driver(s) or his/her household members;
• Damage to any bridge, viaduct, road or anything beneath, caused by vibration or by the weight of the vehicle or of the load carried by the vehicle; and
• Compensation for damages, interests or legal costs for any judgments which had not in the first instance been delivered or obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction within West Malaysia or the Republic of Singapore.

3. Policy does not cover the excess specified in this policy. You are liable for and will have to pay all applicable excess for every claim made against this policy. If for any reason we have made any payment which includes excess payable by you, you have to refund to us such excess paid.


Section 3: Towing Disabled Vehicle

If the vehicle is towing a single disabled vehicle, policy coverage is only for your legal liability in connection with the towed vehicle to the extent provided under Section 2 but only if the towed vehicle is not being towed for reward. Policy does not cover for any loss or damage to the towed vehicle or to any property carried by or in it.

C. Policy Exclusions


1. Driving and Use

Policy does not cover any loss, damage, injury or liability should the vehicle be used or driven:
(a) Outside the geographical areas of Singapore and West Malaysia;
(b) For purposes which are beyond the ‘Limitations As To Use’;
(c) By persons outside the “Person or Classes of Persons Entitled to Drive”
(d) By any person who is not your authorised driver(s);
(e) By any person not permitted to drive under licensing or other laws or regulations;
(f) by any person attempting to hurt themselves or others or commit suicide;
(g) Any person under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication;
(h) When it is not registered under the Road Traffic Act (Cap. 276) or when its registration under the Road Traffic Act (Cap. 276) has been cancelled;
(i) For hire or reward;
(j) For driving tuition/test, racing, pace making, reliability trial, speed testing or test driving; and
(k) For any purpose in connection with any person(s) engaged in the business of a motor dealer, motor distributor, motor workshop repairer, valet parking or any motor vehicle related services.

2. War and Terrorism

Policy does not cover any loss damage, injury or liability directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by:
• War, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or popular uprising, or usurpation of power; or
• Any Act of Terrorism and any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any other way relating to any Act of Terrorism.

3. Strike, Riot or Civil Commotion

Policy does not cover any accident, loss, damage or liability directly caused by:
• The act of any person taking part together with others in any disturbance of the public peace (whether in connection with a strike or lock-out or not) or the action of any lawfully constituted authority in suppressing or attempting to suppress any such disturbance or in minimizing the consequences of such disturbance; or
• The intentional act of any striker or locked-out worker done in furtherance of a strike or in resistance to a lock-out or the action of any lawfully constituted authority in preventing or attempting to prevent any such act or minimizing the consequences of such act.

Policy does not cover any accident, loss, damage or liability (except as legally required) which is directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising out of or in connection with:
• War, invasion, or other acts of foreign powers or warlike operations (whether war is declared or not), civil war; or
• Mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular uprising, military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of the government de jure or de facto, or to the influencing of such government by terrorism or violence or by the direct or indirect consequences of any of the said occurrences.

4. Acts of God

Policy does not cover any accident, loss, damage or liability caused by or arising from Acts of God. “Acts of God’ shall mean flood, typhoon, hurricane, cyclone, tornado, volcanic eruption, earthquake or other convulsion of nature.

5. Nuclear Risks

Policy does not cover any loss, damage, injury or liability directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by:
• Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, including any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission; or
• The use of any nuclear weapons material.

6. Exclusion of Third Party Rights

A person who is not a party to this contract will have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001(Cap.53B) to enforce any of its terms.

7. Economic Sanctions

The insurer will not be liable to provide any coverage or make any payment under this policy if to do so would be in violation of any sanctions law or regulation which would expose the insurer, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any penalty under any sanctions law or regulation.

D. Policy Conditions


1. Governing Law

This Policy is governed by the laws of Singapore.

2. Burden of Proof

If the insurer alleges that by reason of any of the exclusions under Part B and/or Part C above, any loss, damage, injury or liability is not covered by this policy, the burden of proving the contrary shall be on you.

3. Duty of Disclosure

As an Audi on demand user, you are to ensure that all information that you have provided are accurate and that you fully and faithfully disclose to us all important facts which you know or ought to know in respect of this insurance. You must inform us immediately if any of the information that you have given to us changes or is no longer accurate. Failing this, this insurance policy may be void and you may not receive any benefits under this policy.

Information that you should disclose to us would relate to the vehicle, you or your authorised driver(s). Examples of such information include a change in occupation or nature of business, a change in claim experiences, revocation/ suspension of driver licence/ traffic related convictions, physical impairment(s) or illness(es) affecting driving ability, modification(s) done to the vehicle or a change in the usage of the vehicle.

These information/facts could result in additional premium being payable and different terms and conditions may apply on this policy. If such information is not disclosed to us, you may not receive the coverage under this policy.

4. Care of the Vehicle

You must take all reasonable steps to safeguard the vehicle from loss or damage. If an accident or breakdown occurs, the vehicle must not be left unattended without proper precaution being taken to prevent further loss or damage. If the vehicle is driven before the necessary repairs are made, any extension of the damage or any further damage caused to the vehicle will not be covered under this policy.

5. Compliance by Authorised Driver(s)

Your authorised driver(s) must comply with and are subject to the term and conditions of this policy as if it applies to them as though they were the policyholder.

6. Notification of Accidents and Claims Procedure

If the vehicle is involved in an accident, whether or not it would give rise to a claim, you must report the accident to Reporting Centre at Premium Automobiles Pte Ltd and take the vehicle for inspection within 24 hours of the accident or by the next working day.

If theft or other criminal act occurs which may give rise to a claim under this policy, you must inform us and the police immediately and cooperate with us in securing the conviction of the offender. An official police report must be lodged immediately.

If you receive any claim or any writ, summons, offer of composition or notice of any other proceedings arising from an accident, you must inform us immediately upon receipt of such documents, and you must not respond, admit liability, negotiate, make offers or settle a claim, without our prior written consent.

If you fail to comply with any of the above requirements for a claim made against this policy, you may not receive the coverage in respect of that claim.

7. Conduct of Proceedings

The insurer may:
• Take over and conduct in your name or the name of any other person covered under this policy, any defence or settlement of any claim made against you or such person; and
• Pursue in your name or the name of such person, for our own benefit, against anyone responsible for any claim paid by our insurer. Anyone covered under this policy shall give us and our insurer all information and assistance that we may require.

We shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and/or how we settle a claim. For Part B Section 2 of this Policy, once our insurer has paid up to the full limit of $ 500,000 for third party property damage, our insurer is not obliged to continue to conduct the defence, proceedings or settlement of a claim made against you by any other person. In such an event, we or the insurer will not be responsible for any damage, loss, costs or expenses incurred by you or by any person as a result of our decision.

8. Avoidance of Certain Terms and Right of Recovery

If you or your authorised driver(s) are not covered under this policy but we are legally liable to make payment to a third party due to the following Acts or Agreements, you shall refund any such amount paid by us:
• The Motor Vehicles (Third Party Risks and Compensation) Act of Singapore;
• The Road Traffic Act 1987 of Malaysia;
• The Agreement between the Minister of Finance (Singapore) and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore dated 22 February 1975;
• The agreement between the Minister of Transport (Malaysia) and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of West Malaysia dated 15 January 1968; or
• Any subsequent revisions to the above Acts and Agreements.

9. Other Insurance

If you make a valid claim under this policy, and if you have other insurance covering the same damage or loss or injury or liability, our insurer will only pay you a proportion of the claim based on the total number of policies covering such a claim.

10. Dealing with Disputes

Any disputes arising out of this policy shall first be referred to the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDREC), where it falls within FIDREC’s jurisdiction. If the dispute cannot be referred to or resolved by FIDREC, it shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre ("SIAC Rules") for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The Tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator.

11. Waiver of Your Rights

If our insurer rejects liability for any claim made under this policy and it is not referred to arbitration within 12 months from the date of the rejection, it shall be deemed that you have accepted the rejection of your claim and you have waived all your rights with respect to such a claim.

12. Accident Benefits to Authorised Drivers

Policy coverage includes the authorised driver for death or bodily injury suffered by them as a result of an accident involving the vehicle when they were travelling in or getting into or out of the vehicle, only if:
• Such death or bodily injury is caused by accidental, external and visible means and is independent of any other cause;
• Such death or bodily injury occurs within 3 months of the accident
• Such death or bodily injury is not caused by intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide, physical defect or infirmity;
• The accident must not have occurred when under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication; and
• the authorised driver must be at least between 18 and 70 years of age at the time of the death or bodily injury.

The authorised driver is any person other than you, your paid driver or attendant or employee coming within the scope of the Workmen’s Compensation legislation and who is working for you at the time of accident.

Policy coverage includes paying the authorised driver compensation for death or bodily injury in the manner described in the Compensation Table below. We will only pay for one of the items under (1) to (7) shown in the Compensation Table below, which occurs in the same accident. Should there be several injuries suffered, we will pay for the injury that provides the highest pay-out.
Compensation Table Death/Nature of Injury Compensation amount (S$)
1 Death 20,000
2 Total and permanent loss of sight in both eyes 20,000
3 Total loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle of both hands or both feet or of one hand together with one foot 20,000
4 Total loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle of one hand or one foot together with the total and permanent loss of sight in one eye 20,000
5 Total and permanent loss of sight in one eye 10,000
6 Total loss by physical severance at or above the wrist or ankle of one hand or foot 10,000
7 Total disablement from engaging in or giving any attention to the person’s occupation for a period not exceeding 13 weeks S$50.00 per week

We will pay the compensation directly to the authorised driver or their legal personal representatives and their receipt of such payment shall fully discharge us and our insurer from liability under this cover.

13. Breakage of Glass in Windscreen or Window Clause

In the event the windscreen or window of the vehicle is damaged, we will cover the cost of replacing any broken glass in the windscreen or window of the vehicle, but only if there is no other damage to the vehicle. You will be required to pay an excess of $100.00 (excluding GST) for every claim made under this endorsement.

14. Additional Excess Due To Driver's Age and Driving Experience

You have to pay an additional sum of S$3,000 as excess for loss of or damage to the vehicle which occurred, when it was driven by you or an authorised driver over the age of 65 or under the age of 23, and / or with less than 2 years of driving experience. If for any reason, we have made any payment which includes the above excess payable by you, you have to refund to us such excess paid. 


This Policy is protected under the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC).